North Texas Masonic Historical Museum & Library Foundation


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To The 

North Texas Masonic Historical Museum & Library Foundation 

at Plano, Texas.

[1414 J Avenue, Plano, Texas 75074]


Howdy and welcome to the North Texas Masonic Historical Museum and Library (NTMHM&L) Foundation at Plano, Texas. We, the Directors thank you for your interest and curiosity in our entity and appreciate this opportunity to introduce to you the NTMHM&L and specifically its “Crown Jewel,” the Past Grand Master Leonard P. Harvey Room and Masonic Collection. 

We consider the PGM Leonard P. Harvey ‘Collection’ unique and how it came to the NTMHM&L equates to an unexpected blessing we hope you will appreciate.

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We especially thank the Texas Freemason Editorial Staff for their interest, encouragement, and suggestion that this article be publicized as representative of a Masonic scholarly labor initiated in a Texas Lodgeroom quarry but operated in a public venue for the benefit of the Craft and community. 

But first, an introduction to the genesis of the North Texas Masonic Historical Museum and Library and the PGM Leonard P. Harvey Room, is appropriate.

The NTMHM&L and indeed Plano Masonry is indebted to a handful of young farsighted Plano Lodge No. 768 A.F. & A.M. Masons who had a vision and more importantly the commitment to initiate and organize the NTMHM&L at the turn of the this century. They were dedicated to their cause, diligent in their labors, detailed in their planning, and deliberate in their actions while individually devoting their time, talent, and treasure to building something greater than self that would benefit our Craft and community. This they did without thought of personal aggrandizement, self-centered vanity, or individual compensation in the true spirit of Texas Masonry. 

Yet, those young Masons possessed the wisdom to solicit sage advice from more mature Brethren as they established an action plan and proceeded with an infectious enthusiasm that garnered the full support of Plano Lodge No. 768 A.F. & A.M. in creating the NTMHM&L. It should be noted that these five men had less than thirty years of collective Masonic experience between them when the Grand Lodge of Texas approved the formation of the NTMHM&L on April 29, 2009. Yet, by 2015 each had been elected and installed to preside over Plano Lodge as its Worshipful Master. 

The first requirement before those early NTMHM&L Brothers was to organize and establish an identifiable and legally constituted organization. This necessitated the development of a ‘Purpose,’ a ‘Mission,’ and the fundamental Operational Procedures to be officially recognized and authorized by State, Federal, and Texas Grand Lodge authority to conduct their specified business under Section 501-(c)-(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. However, without funding, their vision would not become a tangible product and the second task to secure the necessary shelter to accommodate any future NTMHM&L acquired assets was just as formidable.  

The Brethren of Plano Lodge were formally apprised early on by these young optimists of their intent to form a non-lending Masonic research library and if possible, a museum complete with Masonic and philosophical books and artifacts. Every Plano Lodge Master Mason was individually and unapologetically solicited for financial donations, and collectively the Brethren generously responded. The seed was sown and in due time, Lodge members secured employee/employer monetary charitable funding to help defray the day-to-day operational expenses to establish a more solid financial base. Major project funding to acquire research books, furniture, and display artifacts was supported through the toilsome Grant Funding process via non-masonic entities. When funding was exhausted in those formative years and bills were yet to be paid, Plano Lodge, when solicited, voted for, and/or its individual members contributed financial support to provide the required necessary capital to sustain the NTMHM&L for yet another day. 

The matter of housing the NTMHM&L also necessitated an extended, if not protracted, commitment given the inherent nature of required space to accommodate a museum and library with its volumes of publications, static displays, and furnishings. 

Again, the Plano Lodge Brethren answered the challenge by eventually making available the first floor of its Lodge Hall building to house the newly formed NTMHM&L to accommodate its growing library and to exhibit its accumulated array of artifacts. Since the time the Plano Lodge building was purchased and occupied in 1924-25, the first floor of the building had been leased to various commercial entities with questionable success considering the “volatile flux” and irregularity of prospective tenants over three-quarters of a century. 

The inaugural physical formation of the NTMHM&L became possible and occurred when the Lodge first floor commercial renter suddenly elected not to renew its lease. Soon thereafter, the NTMHM&L moved into and established its Chambers on the 1st floor of the Plano Lodge Building at 1414 J Avenue, in the Plano Downtown Historic District. Subsequently, the Plano Lodge No. 768 A.F. & A.M. membership officially voted to: 

“Establish and support the North Texas Masonic Historical Museum & Library at Plano for the purpose of protecting, preserving, and presenting our Masonic Heritage and the Masonic Heritage of North Texas for historical and educational reasons.” 

(Plano Lodge Resolution of Support for, The North Texas Masonic Historical Museum & Library Foundation 

                 at Plano, November 6, 2008.)

Subsequently, the District Deputy Grand Master (DDGM) would soon thereafter assure the Texas Grand Master that:

“The members of Plano Lodge #768 have voted, approved, and are supporting this Museum & Library which the IRS has approved as a charitable 501-(c)-(3). The building continues to be owned by the Lodge and the Museum & Library sublets the space downstairs. Plano Lodge does not intend to sell or deed the Lodge building to this Museum & Library.”

The DDGM would further write that the NTMHM&L was: 

“Collecting, preserving, and displaying Masonic artifacts, objects, and collections to memorialize the development of Masonry in North Texas…. [and that it had] collected more than 2,500 books and several hundred objects of Masonic and Plano history… [and held] an Exhibition for the George Washington Inaugural Bible ….”

[The George Washington Inaugural Bible.]

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[The NTMHM&L Exhibit of the George Washington Inaugural Bible, 2008.]

The DDGM closed with saying the NTMHM&L was proudly fulfilling the intent of honoring Masonic history. (RW Stephen V. Thompson, DDGM Masonic District 9-B, November 24, 2008.) 

An interesting note regarding the George Washington Inaugural Bible; arrangements were made to hold over that prestigious Volume of Sacred Law beyond the NTMHM&L Opening Exhibition to be placed upon the Plano Lodge Altar for the Installation of Officers for the 2008-09 Masonic Year. 

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[Plano Lodge No. 768 Installation with the George Washington Inaugural Bible, 2008]

Since its inception, the NTMHM&L neither publicly nor commercially has vended a product nor offered a licensed service to defray its operational and management expenses. It has had its usual quota of fundraisers but is primarily dependent upon non-salaried, non-compensated Masonic volunteers, their family members, and non-masonic friends to staff, and support its daily functions through physical attendance and monetary donations primarily generated from or through Masons and/or Masonic organizations. 

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                                    [Masonic Tomes]                                                    [Early Texas Education & Early Texas Masonry]                       

A group of books on a table

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      [Texas Grand Lodge Proceedings,               [Texas Grand Lodge Proceedings]                 [Heredom — multiple volumes]       

         (Volumes No. 1 & 2; 1857.)]

As a 501-(c)-(3) entity, the NTMHM&L was open to the public three days a week, except during the Covid Pandemic. It also makes it Chambers available to support Masonic and appropriate public City of Plano, or community related events. 

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[City of Plano & Collin County Masonic Open House]

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  [Plano Arts Association, Setting-Up in the NTMHM&L Chambers for Dickens Night in Old Plano]

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[Actors and Ghouls using the NTMHM&L Facilities in Preparation for the City of Plano Apparition Expedition]

Additionally, the NTMHM&L has successfully applied for Grant Funding to support both Masonic and community appropriate projects generally associated with historical property restoration and preservation. 

The NTMHM&L currently has a working relationship with the Plano Heritage Commission and Texas Historical Foundation for restoration and preservation projects. They recently joined to fund the Plano Mutual Cemetery Masonic Section Gravestone Restoration and Preservation Project, where some of the Masonic Marker’s date from the nineteenth century. 

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[Texas Historical Foundation (THF) Representatives visiting the Plano Mutual Cemetery, Masonic Section 

as Sponsors of the NTMHM&L.]

The specific Organizing Purpose of the NTMHM&L is:

“To receive and maintain a fund or funds of real or personal property, or both, and subject to the restrictions and limitations hereinafter set forth, to use and apply the whole or any part of the proceeds therefrom and the principal thereof exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, scientific or literary purposes, either directly or indirectly through the establishment, support, and maintenance of a museum and library to preserve Masonic history and knowledge in Plano, Texas, including the history of the first Plano Masonic Lodge #235 [sic-Lodge No. 235] and other Lodges in the North Texas area affiliated or engaged in activities to provide for historical research in Lodge and Masonic history, the preservation of archives, and to provide a museum to exhibit, display, and interpret this Masonic history and its effects on the development of Plano and North Texas.”

 [North Texas Masonic Historical Museum & Library Foundation @ Plano, 

CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION, Secretary of State of Texas, 

Art. Six, File Number: 800225750, July 15, 2003.]  

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   [Masonic Research and Scholarly Philosophy and/or Social Fellowship and Fraternal Refreshment] 

Its Organizational Mission, is to:

“1) To collect, preserve, and display Masonic artifacts, objects and collections to memorialize the development of Masonry in North Texas, Texas, and the United States; 

“2) to provide educational material for the study of Masonry by Masons, historians, scholars, and future generations; and 

“3) to become the premier Masonic research facility in North Texas.” 

[North Texas Masonic Historical Museum & Library Foundation @ Plano, – IRS Form 1023, March 2005.]

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                     [NTMHM&L Entrance]                                                             [Vestibule-(Antique Carpet)-South Wall]  

The NTMHM&L Purpose and Mission to expand this resource and radiate an ambiance of scholarship and antiquity beyond the City of Plano and Collin County throughout North Texas was the ultimate if not the seemingly quixotic goal of its NTMHM&L creators. 

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     [An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, 

Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy, 

        (by) Manly P. Hall, (Fifth Edition).]

Two (2) separate events may have made that aspiration a reality or at least introduced its possibility. Neither were planned nor foreseen, one could be considered an unanticipated blessing to Plano if not North Texas Masonry, the acquisition of the Past Grand Master Leonard P. Harvey Masonic Collection. The other was the governmentally recognized catastrophic Covid Pandemic.

By the 2016-17 timeframe, the NTMHM&L physical identity and relevance was established due to the hard work of the NTMHM&L Directors with the ample assistance of Plano Lodge No. 768 Master Masons who are recognized as its “Qualified Members”. 

Progress does not happen via wishful thinking or romanticized reveries but by physical and mental employment while capitalizing on opportunities that often suddenly emerge that are not always readily identified as an original objective or specific purpose. One such opportunity developed more by chance than design without the personal involvement or intent of the NTMHM&L Directors. 

Specifically, it was the perceived blessing to Plano, if not North Texas Masonry and as mentioned above, the opportunity to secure, maintain, and showcase the PGM Leonard P. Harvey Masonic Collection of artifacts, books, and memorabilia.

The physical characteristics of the NTMHM&L were in place, improvements were progressing, bookshelves teemed with classical research tomes and display cases overflowed with antiquities that served to capture the attention of the curious visitor. Yet, the NTMHM&L, had no exclusive distinguishable theme or treasure to promote its exceptionality when an unanticipated and unique Crown Jewel literally appeared upon its horizon. 

The situation that fostered this opportunity occurred when Past Grand Master (PGM) Leonard P. Harvey informally met with one of his former District Deputy Grand Masters and a Plano Lodge No. 768 Past Master, Brother Charles E. McKay. There was no agenda or purpose for the meeting other than to enjoy each other’s company in an atmosphere of comradery, which Masons with a long personal history are disposed to do.

During the casual conversation, PGM Harvey opined on his perceived dilemma of how to dispose of his vast collection of Masonic books, artifacts, and memorabilia. He was resolute that he did not want it separated and neither did he want it stored away from the light of day but feared that might become a reality. Brother McKay suggested that PGM Harvey come visit the Plano NTMHM&L, which was in its early stages of physical viability and determine if it might offer a suitable solution. 

Evidently that suggestion struck a positive chord and soon thereafter PGM Harvey, and his Lady, Lena Ruth met with Brother McKay.  The three of them leisurely visited the NTMHM&L Chambers. The NTMHM&L at the time had an impressive array of books, available for academic research, public displays to exhibit, and requisite furniture but nothing extraordinary, it was still a “work in progress”. One area in need of restoration was an old storage room, which caught their attention that was being cleared of clutter but had future potential of being converted into either a private meeting or research room. 

The conversation soon focused on the pros and cons of donating the “PGM Harvey Masonic Collection” to the NTMHM&L and Lady Lena Ruth made the comment to PGM Harvey that he should seriously consider bringing “The Collection” to Plano. 

In early 2018, Brother McKay was approached by the Past Grand Master Leonard P. Harvey estate to explore the possibility of receiving and displaying the Past Grand Master’s Masonic library, artifacts, and memorabilia in the NTMHM&L. 

The Plano Lodge membership was made aware of this at its February 7, 2018, Stated Meeting where a “Motion” was made by Brother and Past Master Mike G. Heidenreich “to donate $2,000.00 to the NTMHM&L” to prepare for, receive, and eventually display the “Leonard P. Harvey Masonic Memorabilia Collection” should it become a reality. The Motion was “Seconded,” and “Approved” without discussion. 

Subsequently, the NTMHM&L aforementioned storage room was refurbished and converted into a suitable and securable side-chamber for this one-of-a-kind collection. Past Masters, Brother McKay, and Brother Heidenreich jointly assumed the primary responsibility of receiving, inventorying, organizing, and ultimately displaying the PGM Leonard P. Harvey Masonic assemblage. 

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                   [South Wall PGM Harvey Room]                               [North Wall PGM Harvey Room] 

A collection of bookshelves in a room

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              [Bookcases & Display PGM Harvey Room]                                            [Bookcases PGM Harvey Room] 

However, the establishment of the PGM Leonard P. Harvey Room became a Plano Lodge team effort in the classical sense as the NTMHM&L Qualified Members/Plano Brethren volunteered to assist in restoring and transforming a cluttered storage room into a suitable Texas Grand Master’s Display Room.

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 [Over Sixty Continuous Years of “The [Masonic] Short Talk Bulletin” in ‘Ease of Access’ Packets (1923-83)

 PGM Harvey Room]

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[PGM Leonard P. Harvey one-of-a-kind Ceremonial Masonic Cornerstone Laying Kit]

The Past Grand Master’s Harvey Room was readied for municipal viewing when the Covid Pandemic became the scourge that prohibited the attendance of all things public and private, and the doors of the NTMHM&L were closed to citizens and craftsmen. 

Several adverse circumstances confronted the NTMHM&L during the Covid Pandemic. First, and perhaps foremost, it devastated the ability of the NTMHM&L to depend on corporate sponsored employee/employer funded operational capital, which slowly but systematically plummeted, becoming unreliable. Sophisticated and continuous Funding Campaigns, heretofore not employed, had never been routinely organized or planned and therefore were unavailable as a template to acquire immediate operational expenses. The NTMHM&L was still closed to the public and calendar year 2021 ended without sufficient funds on hand to remain operational even in its dormant status beyond April 2022. 

In December 2021 the NTMHM&L Directors at the time formally recommended to the Plano Lodge No. 768 members in good standing who are identified in its By-laws as NTMHM&L “Qualified Members,” that the NTMHM&L be “Dissolved”. 

The Plano Lodge Brethren voted down the recommendation and at the Lodge’s January 2022 Stated Meeting the newly elected NTMHM&L Directors presented a formal six-month Contingency Plan to the Lodge with a financial request to attempt to reestablish a viable NTMHM&L operation. The Lodge Brethren overwhelmingly voted six (6) months of operational funding to allow the Directors time to explore additional income alternatives and reopen the NTMHM&L to the Plano community based on that Contingency Plan. However, for the first time since its inception, the vote to grant Plano Lodge funding to the NTMHM&L was not unanimous.  

Some might opine that it took the Covid Pandemic to discourage operating the NTMHM&L. Others might optimistically declare that Covid was the causative agent that forced the NTMHM&L from being a seemingly virtual appendant and/or dependent Plano Lodge No. 768 organization comfortably housed in the Lodge’s historic building to refocus its Masonic capability beyond Plano and out into Collin County. 

Regardless, with the new mandate to explore other opportunities, the Directors decided to assertively publicize its one-of-a-kind PGM Harvey Room, 2,500 plus book inventory, and impressive array of artifacts and antiquities beyond the City Limits of Plano and the Plano Masonic Lodge venue. At the same time, it elected to seek financial assistance from Collin County Masonic bodies in addition to Plano Lodge. 

The obvious starting point was the Masonic District 9 Masters, Wardens, and Secretary’s Association (MWSA) meeting held that spring at Blue Ridge Lodge No. 490 in far northeast Collin County. The NTMHM&L Directors made an “Informational-Video” presentation to the MWSA, which was well received and the MWSA voted that evening to grant a generous check to the NTMHM&L, which was equaled by an attending Brother who requested anonymity. 

Soon thereafter, the NTMHM&L was invited to make a similar Lodge Educational Program presentation and that Lodge made, and has continued to make a generous donation to the NTMHM&L. Consequently, seven MWSA District 9 Collin County Lodges and the District 9 MWSA have made sizable contributions to the NTMHM&L as has a Denton County Lodge in MWSA District 84. Of surprising interest, several individual Collin County Masons have made personal donations. Additionally, the NTMHM&L was successful in obtaining non-masonic funding in 2023 that will help defray some of its inherent expenses at least for the 2024 operational year. However, funding is and continues to be an ever-present concern.

In conjunction with the above, an interesting and unanticipated development occurred to the new 2022 NTMHM&L Directors in April of 2022. While inventorying some PGM Harvey memorabilia not yet on display, five embroidered Past Master Aprons were discovered in a sealed plastic bag with a hand-written note simply saying: 

“Rtn to Keystone”. 

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Four (4) of these Aprons had a Past Master’s name and year embroidered under the flap and while the NTMHM&L Directors were mindful of PGM Harvey’s request not to separate his collection, the thought occurred, these Aprons were part of the Keystone Lodge No. 1143 legacy. This caused a dilemma of what was the proper Masonic action to take and complicated by the fact that Keystone Lodge had recently merged with James A. Smith No. 395. The hand-written note suggesting Rtn to Keystone influenced the decision to offer the Aprons to James A. Smith Lodge for display for the benefit of the Keystone Brethren.  James A. Smith Lodge was subsequently contacted to see if they would like to have the Aprons on loan and for display and it eagerly accepted the offer, with the result:

A blue plaque on a white brick wall

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A framed picture of a person in a blue scarf

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A framed picture of a person

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Well done by our James A. Smith Brethren, who not only framed the Aprons but found and included photographs of their Keystone Lodge Past Masters and we think Brother and PGM Leonard P. Harvey would be pleased.  Additionally, the NTMHM&L was ecstatic that James A. Smith Lodge honored Plano Lodge and the North Texas Masonic Historical Museum and Library with an impressive recognition plaque indicating that a portion of the PGM Harvey Masonic memorabilia was well displayed in Texas Masonic MWSA District 14F, for the benefit of Keystone Brethren and North Texas. 

A wall with framed pictures and plaques

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Perhaps the major NTMHM&L 2022 program on its road to a Post-Covid Pandemic recovery was the introduction of the PGM Leonard P. Harvey Room to the Masonic and general public in July. One of its first visitors was Grand Master Bradley (Brad) S. Billings who took time away from a formal visit at another Masonic function to tour the PGM Leonard P. Harvey Room. 

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Grand Master Billings would return that December to formally dedicate the PGM Leonard P. Harvey Room with its Displays. 

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[Texas Grand Master Billings (2022, wearing PGM Harvey’s Hat,)

Dedicating the NTMHM&L Past Grand Master Leonard P. Harvey Room.] 

 Additionally, Grand Master G. Clay Smith also took time to visit the PGM Leonard P. Harvey Room in conjunction with a pre-scheduled formal event. 

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            [Texas Grand Master Smith (2023) Visiting the NTMHM&L 

  Past Grand Master Leonard P. Harvey Room.]


Both Grand Master Billings and Grand Master Smith were laudatory in their comments to those assembled and especially Plano Lodge No. 768 in acknowledgement and appreciation of the work performed by the Plano Brethren to honor Past Grand Master Leonard P. Harvey. Grand Master Harvey was indeed a true “Icon” of Texas Masonry who had been a Masonic mentor to both Grand Master Billings and Grand Master Smith and countless other Texas Brothers that ascended into the Grand East.

There is yet a third event that has offered an opportunity to the NTMHM&L to contribute to the Plano and Collin County community while showcasing a positive image of Texas Masonry. 

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On December 13, 2021, the Plano City Council formally recognized the numerous contributions Plano Masonry had made to the city and community in its early years of settlement by designating the city owned property at 1430 K Avenue in the National Park Service Registered Plano Downtown Historic District as the Masonic Square

[NPS Form 10-900, “Plano Downtown Historic District,” July 24, 2017, Section 7. Pages 19.]

The Plano Lodge No. 768 unappointed historian initiated the preliminary research to document the facts that justified this certification in 2016 and made a formal oral presentation regarding the same to the Plano Heritage Commission in August 2018. The presentation was well received with a Heritage Commission suggestion to explore appropriate recognition possibilities for both the area and Plano Masonry. 

The Covid Pandemic interrupted the process but in August 2021 a formal presentation was made to the Plano City Council Heritage Commission Liaison Representatives recommending a Masonic Monolith Marker, (with appropriate Plaques being authorized for the 1430 K Avenue property) and the property being designated the Masonic Square.

The recommendation was approved by the Plano City Council, and the NTMHM&L decided to make the recognition Marker Brass Plaques a Heritage Commission Grant Funded Project in 2022 in honor of Plano Masonry. The Heritage Commission awarded the funding request for the City of Plano 2023-24 Grant year. 

[The Landmark]

A black and yellow sign with a square and a triangle with a square and a symbol on it

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[33"x 15"]

                              [The Legend]                     [The Legacy

 A black and yellow sign with yellow text

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              [33"x 24"]                                             [33"x 24"]                                        

The next potential NTMHM&L opportunity under consideration is to jointly work with the Plano Lodge Leadership Team and its Building Committee to magnify beyond that Masonic Square Landmark imagery with another and even more prestigious Plano Landmark still in use today, the Moore House Hotel/Plano Masonic Lodge Hall. 

The mutual plan is to seek long-range Grant Funding employing the recognized NTMHM&L 501-(c)-(3) organization status to refurbish and preserve the historic 128-year-old designated Plano Lodge Building “Heritage Resource” physically located in the U.S. National Park Service “Plano Downtown Historic District”. 

  ../../../Desktop/Plano%20Lodge.jpg    page12image64264080        

This possibility has been explored with three Texas recognized “Grant Funding” foundations dedicated to the restoration and preservation of historic Texas structures and the Grand Lodge Civil Law Committee. Thus far the dialogue and communications between all parties has been most encouraging and worthy of further exploration.

Therefore, come visit our Chambers to see what awaits the Masonic scholar, academic, Masonic researcher, inquisitive mind, and our potential opportunities. 

We, the NTMHM&L Directors, acknowledge the generosity of our North Texas Brethren and recognized that without their altruism we would have experience failure after Covid struck even as we acknowledge the same holds true for the future. It is a never-ending concern that demands continuous attention. Therefore, should you feel so inclined, the NTMHM&L accepts, appreciates, and acknowledges donations.

And yes, we have had and hope to continue to have individual Masons drop by and conduct research on academic papers and presentations to include future Texas Lodge of Research topics as well as individual Lodge Educational Programs. 

As long as we can remain open, the NTMHM&L will offer to the Masonic academic, philosopher, and/or visiting public many opportunities for Masonic research and/or simply pleasure! 

Thank you again for your interest and may the blessings of Heaven rest upon you and all our Brethren wherever they may be assembled or dispersed!

A room with many flags

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[The NTMHM&L 45-Star, 48-Star, & 49-Star American Flag Display.]


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