Cora’s 471 Grill And What Came You Here

Cora’s 471 Grill And What Came You Here To Do? By James C. “Chris” Willimas IV – Staff Writer I had been enjoying the scenery as it passed steadily by on both sides of the truck. I realized I hadn’t been out this way in a while and was glad I had decided to drive out here to meet John. Along with enjoying the sights , I reflected about John Deacon and what he has meant to me. You know, over the past several years I have been seeing John every month for a meal and Masonic Light. During that time there has been plenty of aggravation and some laughs, and oh yes, a whole bunch of money spent in the attempt to keep him properly fed. Over that time, he has become so much a part of my life that I do look forward to sitting down with him and just talking. He is my Brother in so many more ways than the obvious. We have been asked quite a few times over the years by people who had no idea the ...