
What Induced You and Goosed By a Goose

  By James C. “Chris” Williams IV, Staff Writer  The phone call came about 10:30 last Thursday morning.   The person on the other end was attempting to disguise his voice but I knew who it was, and I figured I would play along….at least for a little while.   He wanted to know if he brought his vehicle in for an oil change, does the service include feeding the driver.   Duh….   I told him that he had called the right place at the right time because we were running a ”Blue Light Special” on an oil change and box lunch for only $250.00.   I heard him sputter a couple of times and when he finally replied he forgot to disguise his voice.   “You must be kidding charging $250.00 for changing oil and lunch,” he huffed.   “Weeeeeeeeeeeeell John,” I said.   “I am just protecting my company from bankruptcy.   You are the only one who would expect to eat while getting an oil change.” His cover being blown he chose to ignore my comment and said, “Where do you want to eat durn-it……….   I am hungry

Cora’s 471 Grill And What Came You Here

  Cora’s 471 Grill And What Came You Here To Do?      By James C. “Chris” Willimas IV – Staff Writer I had been enjoying the scenery as it passed steadily by on both sides of the truck.  I realized I hadn’t been out this way in a while and was glad I had decided to drive out here to meet John. Along with enjoying the sights ,  I  reflected  about John Deacon and what he has meant to me.  You know, over the past several years I have been seeing John every month for a meal and Masonic Light.  During that time there has been plenty of aggravation and some laughs, and oh yes, a whole bunch of money spent in the attempt to keep him properly fed.  Over that  time,  he has become so much a part of my life that I do look forward to sitting down with him and just talking.  He is my Brother in so many more ways than the obvious.  We have been asked quite a few times over the years by  people who  had no idea the depth of the answer to the question, if we were Brothers.  And we always responded,

North Texas Masonic Historical Museum & Library Foundation

  Welcome     To The  North Texas Masonic Historical Museum & Library Foundation  at Plano, Texas. [1414 J Avenue, Plano, Texas 75074] [] Howdy and welcome to the North Texas Masonic Historical Museum and Library (NTMHM&L) Foundation at Plano, Texas. We, the Directors thank you for your interest and curiosity in our entity and appreciate this opportunity to introduce to you the NTMHM&L and specifically its “Crown Jewel,” the Past Grand Master Leonard P. Harvey Room and Masonic Collection.  We consider the PGM Leonard P. Harvey ‘Collection’ unique and how it came to the NTMHM&L equates to an unexpected blessing we hope you will appreciate.   We especially thank the Texas Freemason Editorial Staff for their interest, encouragement, and suggestion that this article be publicized as representative of a Masonic scholarly labor initiated in a Texas Lodgeroom quarry but operated in a public venue for the benefit of the Craft and community.  But fi