Grand Orator's Address: As a Man Thinketh
A Look Back - From The Proceedings of The Grand Lodge of Texas December 1924 Grand Orator's Address By Right Worshipful Brother Joe B. Hines, Grand Orator As a Man Thinketh Most Worshipful Grand Master, Right Worshipful Past Grand Masters, Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Masters, Right Worshipful Senior and Junior Grand Wardens and Brethren: During hundreds of centuries the human race has existed upon this planet, the sphere upon which we move and act, and we call the period of existence here our life. In the vision of poets and the teachings of sages and the common experience of mankind is summarized by the symbolic term "A Pilgrimage." In that pilgrimage are encountered many storms, woeful terrors, mighty dangers, and distressing reverses. Life, therefore, seems full of perplexity and sorrow. Like the Arabian chief, whose trials are depicted in Holy Writ, humanity ofttimes yields to despair and breaks forth into the dread lamentation "Man is born ...