Finding Unexpected Light
John Deacon Finding Unexpected Light at Billy Gene’s By James C. “Chris” Williams IV, Staff Writer Well, I finally found John, not that anyone was as worried about it as I was. As it turns out, he and Mrs. Deacon were having a happy, much deserved weeks’ vacation on a cruise to the Caribbean. When he finally returned one of the many messages I left him, he tried to tell me that he had called and left me a message that he was going to be gone. I assured him that, had he actually left me a message, it was a good bet that I would not have been calling him and leaving him messages wondering where he was. Unbelievably, he actually saw the logic in what I said. He had just called to tell me that he was in Kerrville for the day and was not going to have enough time to drive the 45 minutes to have lunch with me. I sure didn’t have anything for this month’s newsletter so lunch in the big city of Kerrville sounded pretty good. On the w...