
Showing posts from November, 2023

The Building and Maintaining of the Ship of State. A Study in Masonic Citizenship

  Grand Oration of 1923 - By M. A. Childers Most Worshipful Grand Master, Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master, Right Worshipful Grand Senior and Junior Wardens, and Brethren, of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas:   No great edifice, whether it be ship or temple, bridge, or castle, is ever successfully constructed except in accordance with some well-defined plans, drawn by competent architects, with some prototype as a guide, either already in existence, or wrought out in the artist's mind. The plans for our Ship of State were drawn by Master Masons, upon a Masonic trestle-board with the spirit of Masonry as a prototype.  The spirit of Masonry is characterized by three outstanding attributes, viz: 1. An unyielding demand for truth and justice. 2. An unwavering protest against all wrongs and all forms of intolerance and injustice of whatsoever kind or character; and 3. An unfaltering trust in and devotion to Almighty God.  The nation that possesses these q...

The Good, The Truth, And The Salt Grass

By James C. “Chris” Williams IV – Staff Writer  I don’t know if I ever told y’all, but my Lodge has what we call a “Philosophic Roundtable” every quarter where we meet at a local restaurant and have dinner and good Masonic fellowship.   After dinner we pose a question or problem about some facet of Masonry and allow every Brother to address the group on his personal views concerning the selected topic.   The topic being revealed only just before the discussion makes the discussion more spontaneous and elicits some very interesting and varied responses.   Bottom line, it’s a heck of a lot of fun as well as interesting Masonic education.   Anyway, there we were….   sixteen of my Brothers and me just sitting down for dinner at the local Salt Grass Steakhouse, when my phone went off.   I looked at the display and saw that it was John and I figured he was calling to tell me he would be in town for lunch the next day.   I answered, “Hello this is the ov...