The Building and Maintaining of the Ship of State. A Study in Masonic Citizenship

Grand Oration of 1923 - By M. A. Childers Most Worshipful Grand Master, Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master, Right Worshipful Grand Senior and Junior Wardens, and Brethren, of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Texas: No great edifice, whether it be ship or temple, bridge, or castle, is ever successfully constructed except in accordance with some well-defined plans, drawn by competent architects, with some prototype as a guide, either already in existence, or wrought out in the artist's mind. The plans for our Ship of State were drawn by Master Masons, upon a Masonic trestle-board with the spirit of Masonry as a prototype. The spirit of Masonry is characterized by three outstanding attributes, viz: 1. An unyielding demand for truth and justice. 2. An unwavering protest against all wrongs and all forms of intolerance and injustice of whatsoever kind or character; and 3. An unfaltering trust in and devotion to Almighty God. The nation that possesses these q...